Interview with Ned Estes concerning his experiences as an operator of a grocery store, a repair shop, and rental cottages in Mountain Home, Texas. Estes discusses his family background, his education in Arkansas and Texas, his training as an auto mechanic, his employment as a ranch hand near Palacios, Texas, his experiences in the motorpool of the Air Service at Ellington Field, Texas in 1918, and his employment as a truck mechanic with Shriner Hodges Company in Junction, Texas in 1921. He also talks about establishing a grocery store, an auto repair shop, and a filing station at Mountain Home in 1923, his recovery from tuberculosis in 1926, the expansion into the cottage rental business, his employment as a Delco Light products salesman, as well as Lyndon Johnson's handling of REA in central Texas in 1940, the close of the grocery store and filing station in 1946, the close of the repair shop in 1979, and his experiences during the Depression in Mountain Home. Estes describes the history of Mountain Home, hunting businesses near Mountain Home, the religious tape service and "cowboy tabernacle" near Mountain Home, and comments on religious values.